Welcome to the AFP Chicago December Newsletter
Presenting our 2020 Faces of Philanthropy Awards Honorees
Congratulations to our extraordinary Honorees:
Distinguished Philanthropist Award ~ Helen Zell Executive Leader Award ~ Adela Cepeda, PFM Financial Advisors LLC Professional Grantor Award ~ Evette M. Cardona, Polk Bros. Foundation Benjamin Franklin Award ~ Sherre Jennings Cullen, CFRE, Urban Gateways Outstanding Community Leader Award ~ Ricardo Estrada, Metropolitan Family Services Emerging Philanthropist ~ Chanel Coney Outstanding Volunteer Award ~ Claudia Winkler, Field Museum Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy ~ Felix Castillo
To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, click here. Join AFP Chicago in celebrating Chicago's philanthropic community on Friday, May 1, 2020 at the Hilton Chicago. Formal invitations will be mailed in March. Congratulations to our extraordinary honorees!
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2019 AFP Chicago President's Award Recipient
AFP Chicago presented the 2019 President's Award to Jacquelyn M. Bonavia, CFRE on Friday, December 6th at the chapter's Annual Meeting. Jackie's service and leadership to the chapter and the fundraising profession have been exemplary and have made her a respected figure in Chicagoland fundraising. Her foresight and commitment to AFP's ideals have played a significant role in AFP Chicago's continued success. read more
Announcing the 2020 AFP Chicago Directors and Officers
The members of the 2019 Committee on Directorship are pleased to present the 2020 Officers and Directors who were elected at the Annual Meeting. Click here to view the 2020 AFP Chicago Board of Directors. AFP Chicago also thanks the following 2019 Board members who have completed their service: Melissa Berliner, Michael J. Boersma, CFRE, Sherre Jennings Cullen, CFRE, Michelle Hidalgo, Eric B. Johnson, CFRE, Bill Melamed, Gabriella Pehanich, and Lorelle Swader. Thank you for your many contributions to AFP and the profession!
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Congratulations to the 2019 Graduating Class of AFP Chicago Fellows
The 2019 AFP Chicago Fellows Program graduating class was recognized at our Annual Meeting. On behalf of AFP Chicago, congratulations to these amazing individuals!
Laura Aguilar, Cristo Rey Jesuit High School Nina Gagnon Ashley Leonard, The To&Through Project Diana Olivares, Zonta International Foundation Anthony Vasquez, Shedd Aquarium
2020 AFP Chicago Annual Meeting
Thank you to our speakers, organizers, Chapter Champions, and attendees all who all made this year's Annual Meeting and breakfast such a sold-out success! We had a packed house who joined us for a panel discussion with some of Chicagoland's leaders in fundraising focusing on their recent transitions to foundation work. A special thanks to our panel, Channing Lenert of Polk Bros Foundation, Tony Martinez of the Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation, and Crystal Williams Robinson of the Siragusa Family Foundation along with our fantastic moderator, Ishan Johnson, 2019 Chamberlain Scholar, for sharing their expertise and words of wisdom with us. view photo album
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Our Chapter Congratulates Members on Becoming CFREs
Becoming a Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) signals commitment, competence and credibility. To become a CFRE, fundraising professionals must document their professional performance, education and professional practice as well as pass the CFRE exam. We congratulate the following members on this career-defining achievement and for committing to uphold the highest standards in our profession: Jayne Drew, CFRE and Jennifer Wojcikowski, CFRE.
Make Your AFP Foundation for Philanthropy BE the CAUSE Gift Today! Together we can reach our goal!
Have you made a pledge to the 2019 BE the CAUSE Campaign? Your gift to the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy will assist in developing and implementing new programs and enhance existing ones like scholarships, education and research. And don't forget, BE the CAUSE is a cooperative annual fund that also provides direct benefit to our AFP Chicago chapter. Scholarships are just one of the many ways that the AFP Foundation supports the professional development community. read more Make your gift today!
SAVE the DATE ~ registration opening soon February Breakfast Workshop Friday, February 28, 2020 | 8:30 - 10:30 am Wieboldt Hall, Kellogg School of Management
Topic: Is 501c3 Status Now Meaningless?
See you in the New Year!
Save these dates for our 2020 Educational Breakfast Programs and stay tuned - details on breakfast program speakers and NEW AFP Chicago educational programs will be posted soon!
Friday, March 13, 2020 Friday, April 17, 2020 Friday, June 12, 2020 Friday, October 16, 2020 Friday, November 13, 2020
AFP Chicago Third Thursday Events
You are invited to build your relationships and make new ones in the new year! Each event will be from 5:30 - 7:30 pm with locations to be determined. Please mark your calendars with these dates and check the AFP website for updates:
January 16, 2020 October 15, 2020 March 19, 2020 November 19, 2020 April 16, 2020 June 18, 2020 July 16, 2020 September, 17, 2020
Changed Jobs? New Last Name? Got a Promotion? Let Us Know! Double Check Your Contact Information
We are working on compiling our 2020 Membership Directory, which will include all current members as of January 31, 2020.
To confirm your membership status or update contact information, please visit the AFP International website or contact AFP International at 800-666-3863.
Peer Mentoring Program - Spring 2020 Class Applications Are Now Being Accepted!
Interested in partnering with a mentor or protégé? AFP Chicago's Peer Mentoring program pairs seasoned fundraisers with protégés (fundraising professionals with less than 5 years of experience) for a year-long mentorship. The application deadline for the Spring 2020 Class is February 28th. Arguably, the Peer Mentoring program is the single most valuable benefit of membership in AFP Chicago for development pros early in their career.
Get ready! January 15 is next CFRE application deadline
Don't let the end-of-year madness derail your professional goals! Start 2020 off feeling great about your fundraising career. Submit your CFRE application on or before January 15, 2020. Our members always enjoy a special discounted CFRE initial application fee of US$700. You'll have one year to sit for the CFRE Exam once your application is approved, meaning you'll have heaps of study time. Login to your CFRE account here to put the finishing touches on your application or start your application.
Successful Mentorship Starts with Communication and Ends with Reciprocity ... Derek Lambert, Director of Gift Development, Rush University Medical Center
When viewed through an organizational lens, whether occurring in a formal setting, such as in AFP-Chicago's Peer Mentorship program, or as an informal connection made between two colleagues -mentoring has long been recognized as a valuable human resource development tool. But on an individual level, a strong mentorship opportunity can provide skill-sharpening and career development for both mentor and protégé alike.
What makes a good mentorship experience? An NIH-funded, multi-institutional study defined several values that can make or break the mentorship experience. The authors write, "Successful mentoring relationships were characterized by reciprocity, mutual respect, clear expectations, personal connection, and shared values. Failed mentoring relationships were characterized by poor communication, lack of commitment, personality differences, perceived (or real) competition, conflicts of interest, and the mentor's lack of experience. (Straus, 2013). read more...
AFP Chicago Welcomes Our New Members |
We're happy to have you!
Leonard Cabrera Alex Curio, Albany Park Theater Project Dewoun Hayes, Illinois Institute of Technology Rose Marie Lesniak-Mendez Seth Montague, AHIMA Foundation Anne Tolle, August Jackson
New members as of November 2019 If your name is not included, please contact Becky Gilbert at [email protected].
Member Resources
Ethics Resources | AFP Global | Update Contact Information
Community Links
Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago are Ready to Volunteer Alumni of the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago are ready to volunteer for key consulting assignments to advance the mission of your nonprofit through the BANC program (Booth Alumni Nonprofit Consultants). Applications are open through December 31, 2019.
AFP CFRE Refresher Course AFP Southeast Wisconsin chapter is hosting a 2-day AFP CFRE Refresher Course on January 15 and 16, 2020 in Milwaukee and invites AFP Chicago to attend.
Nonprofit Management Essentials is Live!
Young Nonprofit Professionals Network (YNPN)
North Park University
Axelson Center Professional Development Programs
Do you have a success story to tell us?
Have you recently received an award, written an article, or achieved something outstanding? Please let us know - so that we can feature YOU in our next newsletter! Contact Pam Williams with your news.
